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Watching a person through his phone

Слежка за человеком через его телефон

Probably, nothing can tell today about a person's life in such detail as his mobile phone. Even social networks are not capable of such things, because not every social network can have a person's profile, and not everyone has, in principle, profiles in social networks. But there are mobile devices for everyone. And in our detective agency in Kirovograd with regular frequency people turn to the question of how to arrange surveillance of a person through his phone. The answer we have for all such questions is always one. The fact is that tracking a person through his phone is illegal.

But if you are responsible for your imperfectly summer child, then in this case you have all the rights and powers to keep track of the person at his phone number. And in this situation, we are ready to give you every possible assistance. In principle, this is quite enough for you to simply provide our specialists with no more than one hour of your child's mobile device, which will be installed special software, thanks to the work of which you can at any time to see where your baby is, Which route he was going from home to school.

Including such surveillance can be carried out for your disabled relatives, who also need constant attention and supervision.

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